Music Motivation: Change of Habit

Find Motivation in Elvis’s Song “Change of Habit”

I don’t know about you, but I could use some motivation today. What better way to find motivation than through the song “Change of Habit”?

I could get into how 2020 was a difficult year, but we all know that – instead I want to focus on something positive that came out of it for me personally. I have changed. Whether that should be attributed to growth or seeing there is more to life than what society has made me believe, I am different. Emotionally and spiritually content.  

I know that is not the case for MANY as the world continues to evolve and change around us, it is easy to get lost in what is going on around us and not rejoice in the little wins that happen to us every day. I am not here to convince you to look on the bright side of life, instead, I want to provide some hope that if you are looking or wanting a change, it is possible! What you need is a change of habit – at least, that’s what Elvis says.  

Let’s take a look at the lyrics:  

Change of Habit 

If you’re in old habits, set in your old ways

Changes are a-comin’ for these are changing days

And if your head is in the sand while things are goin’ on

What you need, what you need, what you need is a change of habit

Now if you’re in the habit to let your temper fly when you talk with people who don’t see eye to eye

And if you don’t believe that there’s a newer world ahead 

What you need, what you need, what you need is a change of habit

A change of habit, a change of outlook, a change of heart, you’ll be alright

The halls of darkness, have doors that open, it’s never too late to see the light

So if you’re in the habit of putting people down just because they’re different, from the wrong side of town

Well, don’t count on any medals, son they’re pinning none on you

What you need, what you need, what you need is a change of habit

Where this song could take a turn and talk about the times, I like to think about this as an inside job.  

Sure, the lyrics said not to put your head in the sand, or hide, when things get tough, but sometimes being quiet is the right thing to do. This message may be entirely different for you. Look inside yourself and figure out what change in your life will make you the most content.  

What I needed this past year was a change of outlook and a change of heart. I lost a LOT of “friends”, but ultimately that showed me that they really weren’t my friends to begin with. I am happy with who I am and who I fought to become – can you say the same for yourself? If not, take a listen to this song and see if it can offer you inspiration.

Elvis Presley “Change of Habit”, 1969

I hope you find the change you have been looking for.

Until next time,

TCB and TCE,

Ashley Renay Moody Blue Signature

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