How Great Thou Art

“And then proclaim, my God how great thou art”
It is no secret that I am a Christian. I will never deny this. Growing up in a Christian home, it has become a part of who I am. Elvis had some of the best gospel music, as he was very passionate about religion. I have struggled to find my path with God. I think it is a part of what happens when growing up. Questioning aspects of personal life and the world outside can be difficult and scary. As with any other person in the world, I have been through my share of experiences. Some good, and some not so good. They have shaped me to be the person I am today, but it does not mean it was easy or still is easy. I still struggle.
I had something horrible happen to me when I was younger and I found myself questioning it every day of my life. 3 years ago I decided to go talk to someone about it and I was diagnosed with depression. This was the most difficult time for me when it came to my relationship with God. I was living in Florida alone and did not have the best friends surrounding me at the time. I was looking for an answer. Wanting some guidance, I had my Elvis gospel CDs. I would sit in my car for hours and listen to his gospel albums and just pray.
How Great Thou Art – 1966
How Great Thou Art, Elvis’s live recording of this song really shook me. The studio recording released in 1967 was amazing, but there is just something about Elvis singing it live. Hearing the passion behind this song just create one of the most amazing performances from Elvis.
How Great Thou Art – 1972
Not only is this one of my favorite Elvis songs, it is one of my all-time favorite songs. When I feel most lost, I can listen to this and just know God will always be by my side. It continued to stay with me and when I needed to feel like I was not alone I would listen to this song. This song continued to get me out of one of the darkest times of my life. Alone and afraid, I found serenity in this song. For the first time in a long time, I found myself making healthy decisions for myself. God is so great and so powerful. I know he would never give me more than I can handle.
With this being Elvis Week, this video needs to be watched. This was Elvis’s last concert before his untimely death at age 42 on August 16, 1977. Throughout the concert, you watch as Elvis forgets lyrics, but the performance of this song and it makes me want to cry. Unbelievably powerful and talented. I just love this man.
How Great Thou Art – 1977
Love this song and Elvis singing it. I will be out taking pictures of sunset at night and turn it on. So awesome.