Jaycees (1971)

“Every dream that I dreamed has come true a hundred times”
– Elvis Presley, 1971
Elvis had an amazing day-late birthday present gifted to him on January 9th. He had made the list of Jaycees “Top Ten Young Men Of The Year”. And on January 16th, 1971 Elvis accepted an award. This was the first award ceremony Elvis had attended when an award was made in his honor. Elvis was named one of the Ten Outstanding Men by the United States Junior Chamber, or the Jaycees during this ceremony.
He carried this award with him for the rest of his life because he was so proud of it. This award was a representation of how Elvis had now been accepted by his peers. Yet he had been considered a bad influence on a generation, he had become a humanitarian and one of the outstanding men of a generation. Therefore, Elvis was in shock to have been an honoree.
Complete Agenda
“I was a dreamer. I read comic books and I was the hero of the comic book.”
– Elvis Presley, 1971
This award was created by the Jaycees in 1938 to honor ten Americans ages 18-40. It is for those who “best exemplify the highest attributes of the nation’s emerging generation”. Past honorees included John F. Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, Orson Wells, Howard Hughes, and Henry Kissinger.
“You realize if it’s not possible that they might be building the kingdom. It’s not far-fetched from reality.”
– Elvis Presley, 1971
Elvis was nominated by Bill Morris. While Bill Morris was the Shelby County Sheriff at the time, he later became mayor of Memphis. Morris believed Elvis had made an impact on music and culture. Morris also thought that because Elvis always showed his charitable side by donating to charities he deserved it.
He and Priscilla attended the event together. Because they were so excited, they held a reception for the winners and Jaycee officials at Graceland.
Elvis – Jaycees Award Speech
“Without a song the day would never end, without a song a man ain’t got a friend, without a song the road would never bend, without a song… So I keep singing a song.”
– Elvis Presley, 1971
Elvis’s speech from the Jaycee’s continues to inspire me. First of all, it makes me think about Elvis’s life before the fame. Since the struggles he and his family went through, any other person would not have been able to dream. But Elvis’s success can make any person feel that any dream can come true. Therefore, Elvis continues to inspire me. His passion continues to push me to never give up on my dreams. Because of him I never lose my passions. Finally, I will never give up on my dreams.
Little Sister