Moody Blue Bulletin - May 2020

The Moody Blue Bulletin | May 2020 | Issue No. 2

May 2020 | Issue NO. 2

This is the latest issue of The Moody Blue Bulletin for May 2020. “Find Out What’s Happening” inside this issue including a letter from the editor, loving Elvis and getting through this quarantine, learn about the original Tiger King and highlights from Elvis’s life that occurred in the month of May!

Do you have any Elvis recipes you want to share? Any Elvis books we should be reading? Fun Elvis facts you want to talk about or want to know more about? Comment below!

Email littlesister@moodyblueblog or find us on social media to let us know what you’re interested in.

MBB May 2020
The King and Quarantine
The Original Tiger King
This Month in Elvis History (May)

Thank you for taking the time to read this issue of The Moody Blue Bulletin! We are excited to offer you some fun Elvis content and maybe have you learn something new. Something we love at Moody Blue Blog is constantly learning about Elvis. We will never say we know everything and that’s what makes being an Elvis fan so exciting.

If you have any fun facts on Elvis you would like to share, let us know! We love researching and learning new things about Elvis.

If you have any suggestions on how we can improve The Moody Blue Bulletin, don’t be shy! Though Moody Blue Blog is truly an expression for us to spread all the Elvis love, we want to engage with you. Our community of Elvis fans is important to us and we want to give you content you’ll enjoy.

Until we meet again,

TCB and TCE,


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